Computer Driving Simulator Training

Computer Driving Simulator Training

We offer a structured driving simulation. Each student spends 20 to 30 minutes on the simulator. Training can be conducted at your location or ours in a 4 hour session.

Students will learn the following after the driving simulation:

  1. Learn the basic skills concerning traffic rules and infrastructure (road types and signs) by connecting these to what is perceived while driving.

  2. Learn the scanning procedures (for turning right, left and crossing an intersection) and the actions to be taken preceding turning left or right (reducing speed, scanning, etc.).

All lessons in the simulation phase start with an explanation of the procedures and traffic rules, before driving the simulator. The student drives a fixed route and encounters all kinds of traffic situations. During these simulations, behavior of the student is observed by our driving instructor who gives feedback and instructions if needed.

For questions or more information, please contact us at or call 509-943-6039.

Training hours are by appointment.