Teen Driver Facts

Teen Driver Facts

  • FACT: A teenager is killed in a car crash every 64 1/2 minutes. (NHTSA)

  • FACT: A teenager is injured in a car crash every 55 seconds (NHTSA)

  • FACT: Teenagers make up 7% of licensed drivers, but suffer 14% of fatalities and 20% of all reported accidents.

  • FACT: The driver fatality rate for 16-year-olds is 9 times the rate for drivers 30 to 60 years old.

  • FACT: 85% of crashes by 16-year-old drivers are attributed to "Driver Error," Not speed. Not drugs. Not alcohol.

  • FACT: There are approximately 13,000,000 drivers between 16 and 20 years old today (US Census Bureau) That number is expected to grow to over 16,000,000 in just 10 years.

  • FACT: The average 16-year-old soccer player has had 1,500 hours of coached soccer practice, but only 50 hours of driving experience is required in most states for a driver's license.

  • FACT: Parents are quite prepared to spend over $100 for a cool pair of sneakers for their teen. Tuition for training to give their teens the tools to improve their ability to handle a vehicle in an emergency that might save their life seems like a no-brainer.